One Step at a Time: Parent Perspectives on Transition. Presented by Jeff Patridge, Teresa Nold, and Martha deHahn at the pepnet2 Summit in Chicago, Illinois, November 7, 2013.
Describing Data Resources on the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network Presented by Jeff Patridge, GIS Analyst; Rodney Garland of Oregon Public Health Division; and Robert Levey of New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. 2007 Public Health Information Network Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, August 29, 2007
Don’t Fear Metadata: Describing Data Resources on the EPHTNPresented by Jeff Patridge, GIS Analyst; Rodney Garland of Oregon Public Health Division; and Sam Lefevre of Utah Department of Health during a CDC sponsored Brownbag Session on Metadata, Feb. 16, 2007.
Geospatial Applications in Environmental Public HealthPresented by Debbie Briedwell, GIS Specialist, and Jeff Patridge, GIS Analyst, at the Missouri Milk, Food and Environmental Health Association 2006 Education Conference, Columbia, Missouri, April 6, 2006
Spatial Modeling: The Runway to Project Success. A training presentation by Jeff Patridge, GIS Analyst, at the 2004 Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Conference at San Diego, California, April 2004.
Patridge, Jeff, MA and Gonza Namulanda, MS.Describing Environmental Public Health Data: Implementing a Descriptive Metadata Standard on the Environmental Public Health Tracking Network. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice: November/December 2008-Volume 14-Issue 6- p. 515-525.
Namulanda, Gonza, MS, Jeff Patridge, MA., EPHT Metadata Subgroup.Developing a Process for a Metadata Standard for Environmental Public Health Tracking. AMIA Annual Symposium proceedings AMIA Symposium AMIA Symposium (2007), p. 1058.
Patridge, Jeff, Robert Schneider, Roger Gibson, and Pat Phillips. Using Spatial Analyst to Determine the Effects of Building Demolition on Elevated Blood Lead Levels in Children Less than 72 Months of Age in St. Louis City: A Preliminary Look.Epidemiology: July 2004-Volume 15-Issue 4-PS201
Patridge, Jeff. Tracy Montminy’s Kennebunkport “Bathers”. Chapter in Boone County Chronicles, 2000
Patridge, Jeff. The Missouri Cultural Resource Inventory. MAPA Newsletter, May 1999
Toalson, Flora. Flora Toalson: Changes and Important Events I Witnessed During My Thirty-Five Years as an Employee of MFA Insurance and Shelter Life Insurance.Shield Magazine, November and December 1995. (Ghostwriter for this article)