“Promise me you’ll always remember: You’re braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.”
Christopher Robin to Winnie the Pooh, A.A. Milne |
What are they Saying?
![]() Organizations degenerate overtime. Glyn Meek tells you how.
Want to be a leader, but don't have the title? Nan S. Russel's new book tells you how. Do you Sisu? Michael Beer and Flemming Norrgren explore this concept in depth. Having trouble getting things done at work? Peter Bregman provides 10 suggestions for improvement. Want that dream job? Here are 7 ways you can make it happen. What are the unwritten rules of job searching? Here are 8 of them. Author Larry Richman provides the ten steps to better project management in his book Improving Project Management Skills. Many of these steps can help you in life as well. Have annoying co-workers? These ten books can help you deal with those individuals that make your work day difficult. Want to learn what it takes to become a project manager? Josh Nankivel tells you. Hate your boss? According to a feature in Baseline, it seems that your boss has a few things they don't like about you as well. Want to be a more charismatic leader? Here are ten ways to meet that goal. What type of attitudes are the best when trying to lead without being in charge? Gary Hamel and Polly LaBarre provide some insight in their new article for Harvard Business Review. Tools of the Trade
![]() In years past if a person wanted to get a book published they first had to find someone who could represent them in front of the publishing houses. Then a publishing house had to be willing to take a chance on the work. Finally, they may have to mortgage their own home to fund the project or at least find someone willing to front the money. In today's electronic world, this is no longer the case.
Today a person can publish a book with little more investment than a laptop and an internet connection. The following links contain the top ten sites for creating books and magazines as determined by Technology & Learning Magazine. Top ten sites for creating books: http://techlearning.com/article/28822 Top sites for creating magazines: http://techlearning.com/article/32866 |
Let Me Tell You Something
![]() I recently read an article in Psychology Today about a phenomenon know as "Desk Rage". According to author Ray B. Williams, rage at work is quickly replacing road rage as a major issue. As Williams states, losing one's temper at work is becoming the norm in most offices. Why is this occurring?
According to a survey by Integra Reality Resources, a national real estate evaluation firm, stress in the workplace has escalated significantly. The causes, according to the survey, are numerous. Some blame can be attributed to the recession and the desire by businesses to maintain or increase profit margins by reducing their workforces. As the survey found, over 50% of workers stated that they skip their lunch hour to complete work. Fifty-two percent stated they work on average 12 hours a day. This has lead to more conflict as 42% said that verbal abuse and yelling was taking place at their workplace on a daily basis. Of those surveyed, 29% said they were the person dishing out the abuse. John Challenger, CEO of the workplace consulting company Challenger, Gray, & Christmas, reports in another survey that 3% of people surveyed admitted to pushing or hitting a co-worker. That equates roughly to 3 million workers in the 100 million United States workforce. Workers are being placed in cubicles that have become virtual isolation chambers. Many are forced to commute long distances to get to work. Things don't improve once they arrive as the fear of layoffs is constant. As C. Leslie Charles states in her book, Why is Everybody So Cranky? , the American worker is "overwhelmed, overworked, overscheduled, and overspent". Williams concludes by pointing out that, "The Desk Rage trend is a not-so-hidden time-bomb that could have serious detrimental effects on both productivity and workplace culture. Whether it's the result of austerity measures such as downsizing and layoffs, or a result of increased workloads and stress, or a reflection of a society becoming increasingly uncivil, remains to be seen. Needless to say it is a disturbing trend, one that employers and executives need to take seriously." Worth a Link
![]() I recently ran across a site that you might find interesting. It is the YouTube channel for Standford University. This channel contains several class presentations, commencement addresses, and other presentations by today's recognized leaders in technology, business, and science. Among those presenting are Marissa Mayer of Google, Randy Komisar, Bill Gates, and the late Steve Jobs. If you have the time visit the Stanford YouTube Channel