_ The National Weather Service (NWS) monitors and forecasts river stages and
flood levels for specific locations on many rivers in the U.S. The Department of
Natural Resources contributes funding to the gauge network used to observe,
report and forecast river stages in Missouri. Displayed below are locations
along rivers within and near the state of Missouri for which the NWS reports
existing water levels and estimates future water levels. Color of each gauge dot
represents a flood level category corresponding to the
river stage forecasted to occur within 48 hours at that location (see Flood
Levels legend below).
Specific Gauge Information - Click on a river gauge dot to display a popup
window with additional information about that observation location; information
includes gage identification number, river and location name, flood level
category thresholds in terms of river stage in the vicinity of that specific
location, and an internet link to a NWS web page displaying a hydrograph for
that river location as well as much more information about flooding along that
segment of river.